Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sore and Achy

Yesterday ended up being pretty nice, aside from the cold. I took Mike and Shaggy a fried chicken lunch with mashed potatoes and green beans w/potatoes. :) They were very pleased. lol We wanted to go inside of Linda's house to eat so we wouldn't have to stand/shiver and get something to drink - but the dumbass electrician locked himself out of the house! We ended up having to wait like 2hrs. for Cindy to show up and let us back inside! Thankfully, their work wasn't affected, but the electrician lost nearly half a day's work! xP When it was pay time, there was a little bit of a crisis since we specifically asked for cash and she wrote us a check. But, we managed to get it cashed and everything was cool. :)

Shaggy ended up hanging out with us for a few hours before he went home, and I think I went to bed RIGHT after he left.....it was right at 9:00p or just a little while afterwards. My back was so sore I could barely sit there til then! I can't believe Mike stayed up so late with the way his shoulder was killing him!! :/

Today's been really boring. We're both too sore to really do anything, so we haven't even left the house, or gotten dressed. xP I've been surfing around the internet and listening to music, just trying to waste some time. *shrugs* There's really nothing else to do today.

Anyways, more later.

<33 Zee

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