Thursday, March 3, 2011

On the mend

I'm still pretty sick, but I'm starting to do better. I finally slept last night after DAYS. I went back to the doctor three days ago, and he gave me a cycle of steroids and some nerve pain killers - apparently, the ear infection got so bad that it tweaked a facial nerve, which is why I've been in so much pain. :/ yay. The pain's starting to fade a little, but I'm really worried about the nerve - I've never dealt with anything like this, and I have no idea what to expect. Everyone keeps telling me to go online and read about it, but, honestly, I'm too afraid to do it. I'll start reading some of the worst-case-scenario stuff and start having a panic attack - which, I'm sure wouldn't be too good for me to do right now.

But, on a lighter side, the steroids/pain killers have been making me do some HILARIOUS shit. Last night, I kept falling asleep sitting up - with my drink in my hand! One time I woke up looking for my drink, and found it in the bed, with drink/ice still in it! Another time I jumped out of bed, frantically searching for my drink while half asleep, and it was behind the bed on the windowsill. I kept talking about crazy shit....the other night I started yelling at Mike for no reason - while he was giving me a massage to help me sleep! xP This is why I hate taking steroids, but he's been having a good ol' time laughing at me. lol

Mike got a new job at Buffalo Wild Wings, and he seems to be really enjoying it. I'm not particularly liking the fact that he doesn't get off til after midnight some nights, but it's better than getting up at 4am and driving for over an hour. xP This job's only 5min. away! :D So, everything's slowly but surely falling into place, so we may be moving out a lot sooner than I thought! (but, still not as soon as I'd hoped for. xP)

The hamster's are doing great, BTW. They seem to be settling into their new homes nicely, and even letting us pet/hold them. :) Mike's Russian ones, Twitch and Tweak are still biting a little, but not nearly as bad as the first week. :) Pixie is still REALLY skittish, so petting her is hard, but when I scoop her into my hand she is actually pretty calm. She's starting to nip at my fingers a little, but I think it's just more curiosity than anything - it's no where near hard enough to break the skin. I've been bitten by an old friend's hamster before - when they bite, they mean it - blood was dripping to the floor.

Anywho, I'm going to clean up a little bit and then I'm getting the car back from my grandmother. She was supposed to give it back to me this morning, but since I hadn't slept in so long, when I finally did, I was too zonked out to even hear the alarm. :/ It made me feel bad to waste her time, but she was just happy that I finally got some sleep. xP

<33 Zee

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