Monday, February 21, 2011
My grandfather's birthday was today....and I completely forgot about it. >< I felel REALLY bad, even though I have a pretty damn good excuse - I was up all night in agony over my ear and when I finally went to sleep (around 7am,) I didn't wake up til nearly 2pm. Nana called me not too long after that, freaking out on me for not showing up. :'( I didn't mean to piss anyone off, but I'm sick! I can't help it if I'm passed out half the day from exhaustion/lortab! xP
Anyways, Pixie, my Robo Dwarf Hamster, is doing great! :DD She seems to be very pleased with her home and is getting a little less skittish of us....hopefully we'll be able to hold her soon! The same day we got her, Mike's gerbil, Rico, passed away. :'( It was really sad, and we ended up spending the rest of the night in silence. :/ I felt so bad about it, the next day we went out and got him two Russian Dwarf Hamsters, which are both female. :) He named them Twitch and Tweak. xP Which, are very suitable names.....Tweak is a spazoid and Twitch has an actual eye twitch! xP (It's not anything bad, she does it when she gets angry!) They're a little more hostile than Pixie, but they're warming up to us a lot faster than her. Pixie still runs from our hands a bit, but we can pet Twitch and Tweak with no problem most of the time. :D
We're turning into a couple of regular critter lovers. xP We collectively spend a few hours a day just watching and playing with them (the cat seems to be getting a little jealous.) xP We've even decided that when we get a place of our own, we're going to get me a rat as a house-warming pet. :D I haven't decided whether I want a medium- or large-size rat, but I would definitely love to have an albino one....and I'm pretty sure I'll be naming it Walter, regardless of gender. Walter just seems like a rat's name to me. xDD If you have any suggestions, let me know!
Anyways, aside from the ear agony, life's been going pretty good. Mike got a job at Buffalo Wild Wings, and he's supposed to be starting early this week. :D He was so excited when they told him that he started dancing around the room. xP He ordered his scooter a few days ago, so it could be here at any time. I'm really worried about him driving around on that thing, but he thinks he's being a burden by needing me to drive him around. *rolls eyes* would be different if he weren't my
There have been some bad things happening in the background though. Beth's FIANCE (YES, FIANCE) has been being a petty little BITCH about parking his truck lately. He's been going out of his way, including parking so close to my car you couldn't spit between them and going outside after we've left and scooting his truck a few feet. *rolls eyes* It's really getting ridiculous and there's honestly no reason for it. I hadn't done anything to him, and I really don't deserve to be treated this way. Hell, I haven't even spoken a word to the guy - so, WTF?! I can understand him being upset about me ignoring him, but this is getting childish. EXTREMELY childish....especially since he's been locking Gabriel down in that cold ass basement at nights. One night I even found her locked in the junk room! He's seriously asking for it....Mike is on his last nerve with this guy and I really don't know if I can hold him back from hitting him if he does one more thing. Moving in and screwing his mom does NOT make you anyone's father or give you any power over us. We're roommates, not kids, we came back to help HER out - so get the fuck over yourself.
Anywho, enough of that fat, disgusting slob. He doesn't deserve that much room on my blog....or air. xP
Well, I'm going to go enjoy my hubby's wonderful homemade chicken alfredo and (my favorite!) cooked carrots, which he's making to help me feel better. :)) I hope it works. :/
<33 Zee
Sunday, February 6, 2011
The Sewing Life Alchemist
So, I didn't get to see Kerli's interview/performance on the Dj Rossstar show....and I haven't been able to watch the video of it either. :/ My ears have been hurting me so bad the last few days that I've barely been able to keep the ice off of my neck, much less try to stick ear buds in there. :/ Today was my second day on antibiotics though, so hopefully it won't be hurting as badly tomorrow.
I've been sewing my ass off today, trying to take my mind off of it. I had a big, plastic duffel bag that was for shower/beach stuff, but I never used it - so, I turned it into my sewing case! :D I made two big pockets to go on the side (one had smaller pockets on the front,) out of my LBHS After Prom t-shirt. :) Now I have some place to put all of that elastic and stuff without having to sort through it.
I finally finished watching FullMetal Alchemist....and I'm glad I didn't finish it until the second season came out. They left it WIDE the fuck open. xP But, the problem is....the first 10 or so episodes of the second season are a review of the first season. So, we we're sitting there going "WTF? Are you sure this is the second season?" xP He finally had to skip through the episodes (while my eyes were closed,) to make sure. xP
Anywho, off to watch a little Family Guy before I head off to bed. Hopefully, I sleep throughout the night tonight. That would be nice. :)
<33 Zee
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Today's been a pretty good day! We were running errands all morning, but afterwards, we were having fun and hanging at the house with Shaggy. We ended up going through pretty much all of the music on my laptop. xP
Afterwards, I went to work for Nana - which wasn't so bad for once. NO customers came in, and only a few people called, so I pretty much spent the whole time organizing her buttons. She said I could keep all but the shirt buttons. :D She also gave me some ribbon, lace, elastic, snaps, zippers and even bought me a bottle of loose, silver glitter on her way back. :) As soon as I got home I started decorating the beanie baby change purse I made, and she turned out BEAUTIFULLY!! This is probably the third thing I've handmade, and I'm really impressed with how well I did! :D I've been thinking about making stuff like this and then selling them somewhere around here - maybe Happy's when it warms up? I've got a whole bunch of beanie babies that I'm never going to play with again - aside from decorating them if I do intend to sell them!
I just went downstairs to show Mike's mom, 'cause I thought she'd get a kick out of it....and she liked it so much, she gave me one of her beanie babie to make her one! xP
Well, I'm off to start that - probably going to have to rip up another pair of pants to get a zipper for it. xP
<33 Zee